Friday, January 28, 2011

A letter to my future followers

Dear future followers,

My name is Jennifer and as part of an assignment in PR Methods, I am supposed to create a blog. So here I am. This blog will be the accumulation of the interesting articles I find relating to communication practices and my education on the run.

What exactly IS education on the run? Let me break it up into two parts, education and running. First is my education. I am a major in public relations and a double minor in both Spanish and leadership. I have been lucky enough to continually be in the right place at the right time and able to speak with several informational (and to me influential) people. However, luck is not everything and no matter how much luck I stumble on, I still have a great deal of learning to do.

Next is running. No, I’m not going to somehow blog while running, that would be some serious talent. Instead I use the word running as more of a metaphor for my hectic life. My roommate recently said, “You’re a like a self contained pinball going in a million different directions bouncing through three time dimensions” His statement couldn’t be more accurate nor would he be the first person to ask me if I have a twin or if I figured out how to clone myself.

I hope through this blog I will be able to share some informational tidbits while I travel along my educational path, speed bumps and all. If there is anything in particular you would like to know about me or communication please let me know because you are now a part of my education on the run.